Calendar: Faith Formation Calendar
Director of Faith Formation:
Administrative Assistant: Ann Ventura
It is the mission of the Office of Faith Formation to foster communication and collaboration among the various departments that offer training in an effort to promote wise stewardship of our resources and to offer the church diverse opportunities for lifelong faith growth and ministry formation.
Collaboration in Formation - The Office of Faith Formation is comprised of the following Diocesan Departments who seek to work together in offering quality programs of formation and training:
Catechetical Ministry
College Campus Ministry
Divine Worship
Hispanic Ministry
Parish Life and Ministry
Permanent Diaconate
Respect Life/Family Life
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Adult Faith Education - The Office of Faith Formation advocates for parish level and regional programs of adult faith formation. In addition to working with local level teams the Office also offers the following programs:
Ministry Formation - Throughout the year, workshops are offered to help existing church ministers to deepen their knowledge and skills. Other workshops are offered for those who are just entering various church ministries so that they can begin with a clear sense of that ministry and the traditions that underpin it. Workshops are offered in various places around the diocese and are advertised in our parishe bulletins and on our website.
The overarching principles that guide the work of the Office are "Evangelization" and "Stewardship". We are essentially a missionary Church. The principles of evangelization spur us on to learn more about our Catholic tradition and how best to celebrate it and share it in today's society. We are most effective when we work together to build up the Catholic Community of the Diocese of Monterey. Faith education often can be limited to those moments when we are preparing for a sacramental celebration (Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation, or Marriage). As persons, we continue to learn all through life in many ways. This Office seeks to promote a wide variety of ways for people to continue in their process of faith education. We believe that the parish is the very best place for faith development to happen. It is the place where families and individuals come together to pray and celebrate their faith. Therefore we work to support and advocate for quality faith education as close to "home" as possible.